Somethings About Me

Saturday, June 15, 2024

MMMagical Stars/Luminous Layers QAL

Today is the day we celebrate the Birthday of a Famous Canadian by participating in a parade of lovely quilts hosted by Sandra/mmm quilts. This is the Eighth year which I have participated and it always happens during a busy month of celebration which includes Demando, Granddoggy Daisy and my birthdays and Fathers Days for Hubby and my youngest son, father of the Darling Granddaughter. The more celebrations, the merrier I think with visions of cake in my head.
My quilt which I have named MMMagical Stars, as explained in this Post is another wonderful pattern  designed by Sandra and as always a fun make. My flimsy was finished back in April so I had almost two months to ponder as to how I was going to quilt. I waffled between doing straight line grid quilting to soft meandering lines and as you can see, the horizontal meandering lines won. My reasoning was to offset the hard edges of the stars and to create a shimmering effect and I have to admit sometimes I like the way it look and other times I wished I had quilted with 3/4” spacing instead of 1”. The machine quilting was with #2123 Yellow Aurifil on the top and #2600 Silver on the bottom.
For the backing, I still had yardage of the black and white paint splatter print which I also used for the 2021 Follow Your Own Path QAL. I was going to used another print for the binding and glad I decided to use the rainbow print which really does accent MMMagical Star nicely. 
While I was preparing my annual collage of my past QAL quilts, I was planning a Magic 8 Ball graphic since this is the Eighth QAL. If I could have figured out how to have last year’s MMMaleficent graphic holding a Magic 8 ball I would have put in the center. While googling eight-point stars for a graphic, the Sawtooth Star popped up which coincidentally is in the Luminous Layers pattern, but then my jaw dropped when I  saw there were Eight Sawtooth Stars in this quilt. How serendipitous. Sandra said “Spooky” but I say she was being “mmmicked”, my favorite word from last year’s Rainbow Neighborhood QAL.
One last pic of MMMagical Stars in the dappling sunlight which the Master Quilt Holder did a wonderful job of stooping low enough to hold up this 48” square quilt. I missed seeing the Aurora Borealis back in May.  I forgot to go outside after dark so the colors in my MMMagical Stars quilt make up for this. I am already looking forward to next year’s QAL and am thinking it would be fun to make a MMMemory quilt with some of the past blocks, especially  the Freefall Leaf blocks which were the ones made for Sandra’s first QAL. But then it will be her Ninth QAL and  Cats have Nine Lines so maybe Bella, the patron Cat of all of Sandra’s QAL might have a pattern designed specially for her..mmmeowww! 

Be sure to  visit Sandra’s Link to view all of the participants’ beautiful quilts!


  1. Wonderful quilt. Love seeing all the quilts you've made with Sandra!

  2. Your stars really are mmmagical, so that is the perfect name for this quilt! Such a fun finish, Rose. I haven't made all 8 of Sandra's QAL quilts, but I'm up to 6, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Love seeing your mmmany finishes! :)

  3. Happy celebrations, and enjoy a - or several - yummy cakes ;) I love your MMMagical Stars, and the collage too!

  4. I love your bright stars!

  5. What a beautiful, radiating quilt! I love the way some of the center rainbow star points fade into that beautiful bright background. The binding really is perfect, and I like how the backing, beautiful on its own, allows the front to take center stage. I will pass along stooping tips to my favorite quilt holder.

  6. MichelleinScotlandJune 16, 2024 at 10:13 AM

    Absolutely stunning - I love all your fabrics. The binding is perfect. Love seeing all your past Mmmakes too. I have only managed 6 but I do have the patterns for the other two :-)

  7. Wonderful quilt and wonderful to have so many joyous celebrations. I love the fabrics you choose and that B&W splatter is perfect. It is a mmmMarvelous celebratory quilt. Love seeing the past quilts to - always fun to review our Sandra quilts and your collage is great.

  8. Well thank you at least eight times over. :-) For testing the pattern before releasing it, for making SUCH a showstopper, for the lovely glowing (see what I did there) post about your quilt, for the wonderful collage (oh, too bad on that mmmalificent graphic...but I am confident you will figure it out) of all eight you've made, and for always remembering so kindly my dad, and my Bella.


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