Somethings About Me

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Liebster Award--Discover New Blogs

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by my fellow blogger Wendy of Peaceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life whom I've gotten to know this year when we both participated in the 2017 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop.  We've shared inspiration, fabric tales, stories and laughs and I am glad we still stay in touch with each other through our blogs. Participating in the Blog Hop was a wonderful way to connect with other quilters and grow your blog.

I was happy to learn about the Liebster Award which only exists on the Internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is a great way to discover and promote new bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It was started in 2011 and Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome which I have to say is what we quilt bloggers are all about. You can read more about the Liebster Award by visiting the Global Aussie's Website.

Part of the nomination process is answering the questions Wendy has prepared:

Who inspired you to quilt/sew?

My mother sewed all of my clothes when I was young and I accompanied her on many fabric shopping trips and when I started quilting, she supported my fabric stash.  What really started me quilting was when I saw a quilting magazine at the check-out counter and realized that I can make my own quilts.

If you could meet one person you have never met, who would it be?

Kaffe Fassett and my dream is coming true this October; I finally am going to be taking one of his classes.  I've been practicing how to correctly pronounce his name: Kaffe rhymes with safe.

What kind of music do you like?

I love all different types of music; it would be easier to tell you what type of music I don't like which is talking with no singing and songs using profanity.  I really like listening to the Frozen soundtrack while I'm sewing.

What was the last movie you saw in a theater?

I am too embarrassed to answer this question; let's just say I should have waited until 2018 when the Downton Abbey movie is going to be released.

What is your favorite quilt/sewn project/craft?

I love making a quilt that I can use a lot of different fabrics and the patches are either squares, rectangles or strips.  It's all about the fabrics and the easier the pattern the better.

What is your favorite candy bar?

I really like Chunky but Almond Joy is a close second.

Hand Quilt or Machine Quilt

Definitely Machine Quilt: I have way too many fabrics and quilts I want to make.

Favorite Color

Apple Green, Lime Green, Chartreuse--any yellow/green.

Favorite Quilting/Crafting Item

I was and still am afraid of my rotary cutter so my June Tailor Shape-Cut Ruler was a blessing when I first started.  It has been replaced now with my die-cutters.

Do you work on one project or many?

I could never work on just one project, I am not that disciplined plus I get distracted too easily by all the quilts I see on Blogs and Pinterest.  I have around 40 projects left on this year's project list.
According to the 2017 requirements for the nominations, I am to include a short commentary on a blog that I follow and this is where I can give a shoutout to my blog mentor and Quilt Inspiration, Susan Snooks of PatchworknPlay.  Susan played an important part of me starting a blog last year and was very helpful and encouraging, plus it helped that she has a beautiful blog to inspire me. Her blog was one of the first ones that I left comments on and Susan reached out to me to let me know that I was a No Reply Commenter, a term I never heard before and made me realize that I really miss not having a Help Desk to help me navigate computer problems.  If you want to be inspired by beautiful handwork and fabric combinations, please check out Susan's Blog PatchworknPlay. Everytime I see her blog header, it makes me smile.  I think she is the reason why I take on the Jen Kingwell projects which sometimes I don't think it's a good thing.  I can say that Susan is my favorite Australian quilter and she has taken on a new role as my Fabric Fitness Coach. Let's just say I am to stop shopping and get back to the sewing table. Cheers, Suz!
MY FOUR NOMINATIONS for the Liebster Award are quilters I've gotten to know through the Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop:

Andrea of Goofin' Off Around the Block is a Quilt and Disney fanatic and, like me, believes fabric just magically appears.  I travel vicariously through her.

Liz of Savor Every Stitch has only been quilting for a short time and has already made some pretty wonderful quilts plus has amazing machine quilting skills.

Laura of Slice of Pi Quilts is another amazing and talented quilter and is always up for a challenge.

Kathleen of Kathleen McMusing who I consider a Quilt Sister and gotten to know her better when we both participated in the Free Fall QAL. 

These are the questions I would like to see their responses and some are a little different than the ones I answered.
  • Who inspired you to quilt/sew?
  • If you could meet one Quilt Personality, who would it be?
  • Your preference while quilting:  Listening to Music, Watching a Movie, Listening to a Book on Tape, Whistling or Total Silence
  • Do you have a favorite snack/munch while quilting?
  • Do you look for quilts while watching a movie?
  • What comes first when you make a quilt:  buying stash then look for a pattern or buy the pattern first and then the fabric
  • What is your favorite quilt/sewn project/craft?
  • Hand Quilt or Machine Quilt?
  • Favorite Color?
  • Favorite Quilting/Crafting Item?
  • Do you work on one project or many?
I hope you check out everyones' blogs during the Liebster Award season and discover new blogs to follow.

Also, I would like to thank Wendy for the nomination and never did I think I would every have an opportunity to say this, it is an honor to be nominated.


  1. This is wonderful! I love learning new things about the people I follow! And I like your additional questions.

  2. This was really fun to read, Rose! Thanks for playing along!

    1. And Thank You Wendy for nominating me. This was actually fun to do.

  3. Enjoyed reading this post and finding out just a bit more about you!

  4. Rose I loved reading your post and learning more about your journey.

  5. Lucky you, getting to see Kaffe! I am most flattered by what your sweet words! Now get off the computer and go back to your sewing machine! From your fabric coach Downunder!

  6. Thanks so much for the nomination Rose, and for you sharing more details about yourself! It's so nice that your mother supported your fabric stash. My mother likes my quilts, but she doesn't understand the concept of patchwork. To her ... everything should be wholecloth, which then wouldn't support my fabric stash ;)

    1. Thanks Liz. When my mother made a blanket, all she did was sewed two large pieces of fabric together, corduroy was her favorite, I still have one of them. Can't wait to read your post.

  7. Congratulations Rose! Such a fun to read post. Have a great time meeting Kaffe :) (I'm a tad jealous! :p )

    1. Thanks Abbie. And to think I didn't know about the LIebster Award until I read your nomination never realizing that I would be participating as well. It's been fun to read all of the posts.


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