Somethings About Me

Friday, June 30, 2017

Good Things Can Happen In Threes

I mentioned on my post last week that I unexpectedly won three quilt patterns and commented that I wouldn't mind if unexpected good things continues and it has--two of them.  The first one is I really did not think I would have three baby quilts finished this week, especially if I was just starting them this past Tuesday but good quilting mojo seems to happen when there is a deadline involved which was the end of the second quarter. (I don't think I am alone in saying that this year is really going by fast). This is the second batch of baby quilts for the Blanket Ministry for my church and my quarterly commitment of three quilts (one for each month of the year) which needed to be done by today.  I finished them last night with one day to spare.  I had planned on starting them several weeks ago but I tend to be a quilter of the last moment and I really needed to clean up my studio (i.e., putting away new fabric and quilt distractions) before I could start working on a new project.  So, of course, after the clean up and several days of sewing, my studio is once again a mess--it's the circle of a quilter's life and I'll take it.

Here are some more photos of each quilt and the stats:
37.5" X 38", 7.5"  Finished Cut for Sashing and 1.75" x 7.5" Finished Strips
37.5" Square, 7.5" Finished Blocks
36" Square, 9" Finished Rail Fence Blocks (Two Variations)

And the third and final good thing which happened this past week are the three lovely gifts I received:

Going clockwise, the blue wall hanging was made by Lauren, my Quilt Goddaughter, the wool appliqué was made by my quilt peep, Linda and the pincushion was made by my friend, Connie.  (I have to mention that I also received some fabric from other friends but will show it once I've made something with it).

So I'm happy and blessed with my three for three for this month and hope whatever was happening to me this month will spread for others to enjoy.

You would think that by finishing the three baby quilts it would have put me back on track with my Minus 100 Yard Challenge.  Sadly, the nine yards of fabric used was offset by the 14.5 yards purchased this past week and being on sale didn't play a big part, it was just something I had to have.  I hate when this happens, I think.  I shall remain the optimist since I have some quilt projects that I can add to the reduction very soon, plus I haven't made any fabric purchases now for five days and I'm counting on my Fabric Fitness Coach from down under to keep me in line.

Minus 100 Yard  Challenge:

Prior YTD:                   -50.25 Yards
YTD:                             -42.5 Yards

Linking up with:  Crazy Mom's Quilts:  Finish It Up Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Can I Get A Whoop Whoop! and Busy Hands Quilts: Finish or Not Friday



  1. Rose, congrats on your good fortune! And triple congrats on your finishes! They're fantastic!

    1. Thanks Paige! June was a pretty good month for me. July is starting off great also, my granddaughter is coming in for an unexpected visit. Oh the fun we will have, don't know if I'm going to have much time for sewing when she's here.

  2. Congratulations on the win. Three quilts - you are a champion Rose. Hope you can relax and enjoy the holiday :-)

  3. That was a lucky win, and three great finishes. I really would struggle to meet a 100 yd challenge but good luck

    1. Thanks Helen. I really thought the challenge was going to be easy but it looks like I'm going to have to do some major sewing before the end of the year.

  4. Three very cute quilts! And three lovely gifts in the post, lucky you!

  5. What a wonderful week you've had Rose! Quilts out and gifts in! I won't mention the fabric purchases, I'm sure that is just a little hiccup.....five days and counting! You can do it! ;-))

    1. Thanks Susan. I really need to get back on the wagon and get some tops quilted so I can use up some yardage for the backing.

  6. Wow, you have really been clipping along this week! Those goodies are pretty sweet too!

    1. Thanks Wendy. I'm still clipping but just found out the grand baby going to come in for a four day visit.

  7. Great job this week. The baby quilts are fabulous and being on the receiving end of lovely gifts is always nice. Have a great 4th!

  8. Three finishes in a week is amazing! I wish I knew the secret to keeping a sewing space clean and organized. Lovely quilts!

    1. Thanks Emily. It's a good thing my studio is in the basement but sometimes my projects make their way upstairs.

  9. You realize that is an average of a quilt every two days! That's good quilt mojo right there. Plus, these are especially cute. Yeah, you got the mojo going--now would be a great time to work on the next set. Haha

    1. Thanks Mary. It would be nice if I could organize myself to make one quilt each month for the Ministry but I like to quilt dangerously and do three at one time. I'm looking forward to having the next few months to work on my other projects and maybe play, i.e. distracted with new ideas.


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