Somethings About Me

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

something rosemade: Best of 2017

I'm happy to be joining the Best of 2017 Linky Party hosted by Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs and  sharing my best five which I have to admit was hard but they do reflect the highlights of my most wonderful year which I became:
or :
Sadly I could not include the other highlight of 2017 which was a quilt dream finally coming true with, moi, taking a workshop with the Quilt Man himself, Kaffe Fassett, in October but did not write a post about my wonderful experience; probably because I still haven't fully recovered from it.  Once I finally finish the workshop quilt in 2018 I'll be sure to write a post then.

Now, I'm ready to sit back with a cup of tea and cookies to spend some time reading all of the great posts other bloggers are sharing on Cheryl's Best of 2017 Linky Party, (you can read them here).

Enjoy and thanks so much for visiting.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with wonderful Quilt Joy!



  1. You've had a great year, my quilty friend! I'm looking forward to reading your post on your class with Kaffe Fassett and seeing your quilt! Happy New Year to you too!

    1. Thank you Wendy, it's been a great year and it was nice meeting you and the other Sisters this year in Blogland. It's been fun hasn't it and I'm looking forward to reading your posts in 2018. Happy New Year, dear Friend!

  2. Flutterby is one of my favorites that you've made. I was just looking at it on pintrest yesterday thinking if it would work for this pile of fabrics I have out to use. It won't work for this pile, but I am keeping it on the list to make soon! Congratulations on a great year!

    1. Thanks Shannon! It's been great getting to know you and seeing your wonderful quilts. FYI, I used the Accuquilt Half Rectangle Triangle die and changed Jen Kingwell's measurements so I can use my dies. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Happy New Year!

  3. You did have a marvelous year! Congratulations on your many milestones.

    1. Thanks Carole! It has been a wonderful year. I appreciate you stopping by. Happy New Year!

  4. Knowing firsthand the utter joy of a grandchild, Micah gets my vote for number one of the year! When you look back, it is very rewarding to see all the accomplishments and joy that that 2017 brought you, right? Here’s to more wonder in 2018! And I cannot WAIT to read and drool over the Kaffe post.

    1. Thanks Sandra! It's been a very wonderful year and you're right Micah is my number 1. Hopefully I can get the Kaffe quilt done so I can finally write the post. I'll always have the video of him giving a critique of my quilt. Thanks for being such a good blog buddy and someday we're going to have to get together and share some more laughs. Happy New Year!

  5. Rose you had a great year! I can hardly wait to hear about your class and see that quilt. I bought fabric for your jelly roll charm quilt, but haven't got it going yet. It will be done in 2018! Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Jan! It's been a great year and wonderful getting to know you and the Bee Sisters. Hopefully I can finish the Kaffe quilt soon so I can finally write the post. Do you have your fabrics ready for Regatta? Happy New Year to you and yours too!

  6. Wonderful quilts and a new granddaughter? Sounds like a wonderful year to me! :)

    1. Thanks Louise! It's been a wonderful year of loving my new granddaughter and making quilts. I'll take another year of this. Happy New Year!

  7. It sounds like it has been an amazing year! Micah is adorable and I'm so glad you can share her with us. It will be fun to watch her grow and enjoy all the quilts...I see many in her future :) And Kaffe? I can't wait to hear about that! May 2018 be even more amazing than 2017.

    1. Thanks Tish! It has been an amazing year and I'll take a repeat year of loving Micah and making quilts. And yes, there are more quilts in her future, at least three. I can't wait to finish my Kaffe quilt and share the story. Happy New Year to Dave and you!

  8. You had a wonderful year, congrats on becoming a Grandparent! Happy New Year and thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Cheryl for your kind comments and for hosting this wonderful link party. I'm enjoying reading the other posts. Happy New Year!

  9. What a wonderful year! Micah Rose is so beautiful and precious. That Flutterby quilt is just the best. And I just love that buffalo photo!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy! It's been a wonderful year of life and blogging. Also meeting wonderful blog friends like you added to the year. The Buffalo photo still makes me laugh, still remembering my husband's reaction when he saw it. Have a Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing your quilts and quilting in 2018.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. And what a marvellous group of followers you have of your blog now too! I’m seeing Kaffe in February!

    1. Thanks Suz! You're seeing Kaffe next year, we have to compare notes and impressions. Have a Happy New Year to you and yours!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you! I would be glad to have another wonderful year in 2018. Happy New Year!

  13. You've had a wonderful year, I wish you a happy New Year 2018!

  14. What a wonderful year you have had. I love your Flutterby quilt, it's on my wishlist, yours is a wonderful example. I'm not surprised that Micah's quilt is your top favourite, she is such a cutie and we fall so deeply in love with our grandchildren. You have had a most wonderful year Rose and so well deserved, may it continue into 2018, I look forward to seeing what you do next.

    1. Thanks for Kate. It's good hearing from you and I hope your eye surgery went well. I do hope to continue another wonderful year in 2018 and glad to have gotten to known you better this year. I'm looking forward to sharing our quilting adventures next year. Your posts always make me smile. Happy New Year! rose

  15. You have had a very productive year! I hope that 2018 brings you many joys and time with your grand baby!

  16. Well that was fun! I just looked up all of your links above and of course then I had to go down the rabbit hole and read all of your posts. I know I've seen bits and pieces before, but not the whole package. Congrats on being a first-time Gramma. I was reading one of your posts and laughing to my husband about never referring to "the kids" but the grandkids "and their parents." We got our priorities straight for sure. Have a beautiful new year! And stay warm! (Quilts will help.)

    1. Thanks Janine Marie for visiting the rabbit hole; there's a few squirrels in there. I remember our past conversations about whatever our grandchildren want comes before any project-they're more than a DREAMi aren't they. Yeah, my son and his wife sort of have a new referral designation now. I hope you have a beautiful year and stay warm too! I like looking at snow just not being in snow.


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