Showing posts with label Fat Quarter Mixer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fat Quarter Mixer. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2024

A Pokey Post for August

I consider the Squirrel to be my Spirit Animal for quilting but it seems the Sloth may be it for my Blog. I had two finishes since last week and was in no hurry to post about these two quilts despite being very happy with their finishes. Both of the quilts were listed in my 2024/25 Project List and had similar types of fabric designs with the appearance of birds, critters, fauna,etc. In my quest to write shorter Posts with brief descriptions, here’s a quick rundown:
What I really liked about both of the fabrics were what I thought were squirrels in both of the focus prints and they were definitely present in the Bluebird Park designed by Kate and Birdie Paper Co. for Moda fabrics. I had yardage and a charm pack of this collection for well over five years (I did include leftover yardage of the tan trellis print which was from the Autumn Woods Quilt made around seven years ago) and perfect to make another Fat Quarter Mixer which is one of my favorite patterns at the moment.  I previously finished one in May and you can see it and find details of this pattern in this Post. I did slightly modify this pattern by making the blocks smaller and making some of the blocks with only the large blue floral print since it was so pretty.
Once I determined and cut the fabrics, this quilt was a quick and simple make, a total of four days from start to finish. The machine quilting of wavey lines with CT Essential thread in Stone was a breeze. The pieced backing was made with yardage of the focus and solid green fabrics. I also used the solid green for the binding.  Can you see the cute squirrels and hedgehogs? Bluebird Park measures 60”x84” and is already hanging on the hallway bannister until next month when the Fall quilts will make their appearance. I just love the happy colors and prints and will happily display this quilt again come next Spring. It seems a bit early to be saying this but Fall is coming.
The second quilt, a door hanging for inside the hallway front doors, is the one made with a fat quarter bundle of the Sketchbook prints designed by Shauna Scicluna for purchased within the past five years and I’m pretty sure I bought it for the “squirrels” crossing the telephone wires
The focus print came in three colorways which I call morning, high noon and evening and it was hard for me to cut this print up. I decided to make a small quilt with large patches of these prints. I didn't use all of the prints shown which are background grid prints and used only the prints of leaves and fauna.
I first laid out the patches in a symmetrical layout and thought it looked too boring and then opted for an asymmetrical layout which is way more interesting.
In keeping with the asymmetrical layout, I only added a thin border of the lilac/gray mini check print on only three sides of the quilt to keep it 30” wide to fit on the door. I machine quilted with what I call telephone phone poles with straight vertical lines along the seams for the poles and wavey lines for the wires with silver CT Essential Thread. The binding which I hand sew down in the back because that’s what I like to do for for small quilts was the same check print as the border. I named this quilt G’Day which I thought was appropriate for this quilt. It measures 30” x 44”.
When I first purchase the fat quarter bundle I did not know these were Australian prints but came to the realization after seeing the .au after the Leutenbegger name and looking closely at the “squirrel with the funny ears”  and birds on the telephone wire. I couldn’t find any info on the inspiration for these fabrics so after the flimsy was made, I emailed my wonderful downunder tormentor Sue, PatchworknPlay to clarify what the birds and critter were so I could write an intelligent post and I’m glad I did. She said they don’t have squirrels in Australia so that is a common brushtail possum  along with magpies, sulphur crested cockatoos and maybe kookaburras, which they are. She thought the leaves would be Eucalyptus/gum trees and the sketches of fauna was too abstract for her to determine. Being the retired educator, she suggested I do further research on the Possum/Opossum names but being the rebel student which I am, I chose to discover the Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree song and there are gum tree leaves in some of the prints. 

I mentioned in a previous Post, that the Master Quilt Holder and I were taking pics of quilts made before I started blogging and never taken because they were too large. Before blogging, photos were taken inside and were not so great.  I sent a photo of this quilt to Susan while communicating about the G’day quilt and told her I made this twenty years ago and the pattern was the cover quilt for the book Fabulous Quilts from Favorite Patterns from Australian Patchwork & Quilting Magazines published in 2003. When I first started quilting it was always a treat to buy these magazines which may explain that I have an infatuation with anything Australian since I followed Kathy Dougherty and Sarah Fielke then and do not have a Jen Kingwell obsession. I like to mention again, Susan was one of my first Blogland friend and so fitting she lives in Australia and is living up my moniker for her as a downunder tormentor, who introduced me to Jen Kingwell. Susan said that I should post this photo of this quilt and sometimes I do listen to her. 
I thought I would close this once again a chatty Post of my two August quilts taken outside. September will be a busy month of traveling but I hope to be able to post my latest quilt still in the makings and my wonderful road trip project before we leave. But, dilly dallying seems to be in my Quilt DNA now with the help of the Studio Squirrels because I keep finding wonderful projects and forgotten fabrics in the Studio.

Linking up with:My Quilt Infatuation/NTT

Thursday, May 30, 2024

My AMAYzing May

It’s always nice to begin a Boast Post with a pretty pic of my last finish for the month and to say that I had an aMAYzing May with five Quilt finishes and six flimsies. It always seems to me that there’s more time to sew when a month has thirty-one days. It also helps that I can finally sew more while at the GP House with the darling Granddaughter being a little more independent these days and who finally reliquished my cutting table back to me. This could be a long Post with all the activity this month but will try to show more pics with a little details to avoid this becoming a short story—this is what happens when you mostly post once a month.
Two of my Finally Finished quilts were the first and last quilt finished for May, made with my new favorite quilt pattern Fat Quarter Mixer by Material Girl Quilts and both using fabric collections by Bari Ackerman, Emmy Grace on the left and Country Lane on the right.
The first quilt finally finished was the Emmy Grace quilt which was bequeath to a friend who had shoulder and hip replacement surgery last year and I was late in finishing it. My excuse was I was waiting to see if she was going to have knee replacement surgery so this quilt could be a three-for-one present. All kidding aside, the Emmy Grace quilt was supposed to be my April finish for the 2023/24 Country Threads Dirty Dozen UFO Challenge but was replaced with my Spectacle Squaretangle Quilt instead. I decided to finally finished this quilt because I was going to be seeing her since our hubbies are band mates and would see each other at a gig. Much to my surprise and it’s a good thing I checked was I did not take any of the customary photos of this quilt finished so I only have outside photos of this quilt outside the venue. I had already given to her and for some reason I checked my photo library on my iPhone and realized I never took studio or outside photos because of the weather so I quickly took it back. I really wanted to take Emmy Grace back home but thought it would be tacky but I do feel guilty about not having nice pics. Anyways, as I was machine quilting Emmy Grace I couldn’t believe how I could have forgotten about fun the Fat Quarter Mixer pattern is which is a free downloadable pattern and how easily it could be modified which I did for Country Lane. This quilt measures 60”x75” and I followed the pattern cutting instructions.
Because I didn’t have any nice pics of Emmy Grace, I decided to make Country Lane to make up for my photo lapse, which is a good reason, don’t you think. The Country Lane quilt is my favorite finish for May for a number of reasons. First of all, I finally used up my fat quarters and yardage of my Country Lane stash which I had since 2010 and has been on my list to use it up.  I’m glad I waited for the Fat Quarter Mixer pattern. As I mentioned before it’s a pattern which can be easily modified which I needed to do because the pattern called for fat quarters with 2l" of useable fabrics so two 10.5” squares can be cut but there was only 20.5”so my squares needed to be cut 9.5” (not 10” so I thought and it has to do with .5” seam allowance and the squares are cut 5” but the rectangles are 5”x9.5” cut, a little confusing for me but understood). It’s a great pattern to use for the large focal prints with accompanying accent prints and, best yet, you can make globs (a term I used when the same prints are next to each other and I tend to avoid but not with this pattern) which makes it look sew interesting. And lastly, it’s going to look wonderful in my Family Room since these are the colors for this room.
I have to mention the pieced backing which was made with the yardage of the Pepto Bismol pink print which I was saving for the backing. I ended up using some of it for the top and used up a little too much since I knew I had to used some leftover blocks/scraps for the middle section but realized I had to add a section for the bottom right. I was resigned that this would show after the quilting since I have already sewn a few “I Got A Secret” backing. But, boy was I surprised. As I was taking pics and not seeing the strip on either side, wonders of miracles and good quilting karma, I didn’t need the extra fabric. I bet though if I was quilting chicken and didn’t sew the extra width, it would have been needed and found out only after all the pin basting was done. And yes I did check the center of the backing to make sure the strip didn’t magically migrated to the center. Country Lane measures 54” by 81”. I would have liked to have made it wider but I didn’t have enough fabric. 
I am loving the Fat Quarter Mixer pattern so much, like I did the Turning Twenty pattern by Tricia Cobbs and Yellow Brick Road by Terry Atkinson of which I couldn’t stop making, because I have much loved fabric stash which would be perfect for this pattern. For my 2024/25 Dirty Dozen Challenge, I am adding a project list for just Fat Quarter Mixer quilts and I already have my fabrics lined up including my only other Bari Ackerman stash of Art Journal fabrics. I don’t think or hope I could ever get tired of how different these quilts will look with each of the different fabrics. It gotta be the globs. And the perfect quilt to make for giving especially with the horizontal wavey line quilting.
In other finishes to mention, the top quilts were made from one of my favorite patterns for baby and now baby boomer quilts to make which is a rail fence using 3.5” strips. The top quilt is Phoebe, fabric line by Wendy Slotboom with the wonderful floral used for the backing. This quilt is my May project for the CT Dirty Dozen Challenge. After it was finished, I remember I had the Woodland flimsy on the bottom which I wanted to finish because it was going to be gifted to a teacher aide at the Darling Granddaughter’s school who is due to have her first baby next month. Both of these quilts measure 40”x45” and were machine quilted with a combination of wavy and straight line. I do love this pattern and yes I made a flimsy with this pattern which you will see later in this Post.
My last finish is my 24” wallhanging made with Aneely Hoey’s Hello Petal fabric which I only had a charm pack and used a Cotton+Steel print for the outer border/binding and an American Jane navy/white print for the inner border. The flimsy was made last February after I came across it on the shelves under my big cutting/basting table, which is a story for another day about forgotten fabrics. Hello Petal is now finished and hanging nicely on the front door in the hallway. The little girls in the print is a nice reminder of the darling Granddaughter.

A quick rundown of the flimsies since I’m now bordering on writing War and Piece:
These two flimsies happened because I was looking in my American Jane for a precut bundle which I still can’t find.
I made these two 84” long flimsies despite this being the year of making small quilts.
Another rail quilt after finishing the other two and a small wallhanging with foundation pieced blocks using vintage Piece of Cake fabrics.
I’ll write more about these flimsies after they are finished and made possible with some sewing at the GP House.  They will definitely be on my 2024/25 Country Threads Dirty Dozen UFO Challenge which this past week, I’ve been compiling. I’ll be sending the last few hours of May getting my Wensleydale quilt ready to be sent for some wonderful machine quilting by Nancy/Grace and Peace Quilting. I will need to confirm a confidentiality agreement with her about not disclosing my “I Got A Secret” backing for this quilt. Let’s just say that I wasn’t going to spend time matching seams. We’ll be heading out to the GP house this weekend and I have my project ready. But come June, my must have finish will be machine quilting my MMMagical Stars, aka Luminous Layers QAL quilt and I think the stars say there will be horizontal wavey line quilting. The Parade begins on June 15th, the Famous Canadian’s, aka   MMMquilts’ Dad, birthday. This definitely is going to be a fun parade of all of the wonderful quilts being made.

Linking up with My Quilt Infatuation/NTT