Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Spectacle Square-tangle

I had a busy April with the usual visits to the GP House and the Chiropractor but this month I also had appointments with the eye doctor, foot doctor, dentist, bone density scan and bloodwork as well as seasonal allergies/cold kicking in big time,  but most importantly was celebrating my Golden Wedding Anniversary which lasted at least a week it seems. The only quilting I did was finishing MMMMagical Stars Flimsy (Luminous Layers QAL), playing with fabrics (both old and new stash) and finishing my April project for the Country Threads Dirty Dozen UFO Challenge which will be my Spectacle Square-tangle Quilt. 
I have to confess that this project is one that I listed in March which I really wanted to do but other projects needed to be finished. The one project listed for April was my Happy Bubbles Quilt which I finished in January so I took a little liberty or que’ sera sera this month with choosing what I wanted to finish for the UFO Challenge of finishing one per month. I had a layer cake of Spectacle designed by Christian Robinson for Cotton+Steel purchased in 2018. I was planning on making the Chain Reaction pattern designed by Purple Pineapple Studio but I didn’t want to do connecting corners since I’m still recovering from the Happpy Bubbles Quilt which had so many connecting corners.
To sew the easy way out or should I call it sewopted, I thought a simple quilt with just 5” squares with the layer cake squares cut in half would be just right for this cute fabric collection. I used Alexa Abegg’s Heirloom fabric line for the red squares and cut additional rectangles from the backing fabric, which will be shown later in this Post, and yardage. This was an easy pattern which took some planning with the layout since there were so many directional prints in this fabric line. I had to first separate the rectangles into two groups for my rows, light and dark, and then making sure the red squares were sewn on the right side. I’ve seen this pattern on Pinterest and did some searching so I could give credit for this pattern and it is the Easy Bricks pattern designed by Amy Smart, Diary of a Quilter. It’s really a great pattern for layer cakes and I already have another one ready to be sewn together.
Here’s the backing fabric which is a cheater cloth of hexagons with the Spectacle prints which was purchased several years ago. I needed to add the back and white print (designed by Michelle Amore) on the sides which went well together and could make this a reversible quilt.
I was not planning on making Spectacle Square-tangle so long, since this is supposedly my year of sewing small, but I really didn’t want any leftovers, sew I say. It measures approximately 60”x90” and looks like a quilt made for an IKEA bed. I did a combination of vertical straight lines with one wavy line on the center of each rectangle/square row using CT Essential Threads in Natural. I was planning on using the red print for the binding but thought the black and white stripe would accent the prints better.
Today was a lovely day to take a photo of Spectacle Square-tangle hanging from the branches of the cherry tree in the back yard but it wasn’t  hanging right so the Master Quilt Holder had to hold a branch up this time. I need to figure out when his Anniversary of being my Master Quilt Holder is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not fifty years. I’m thinking being married is way easier than holding up my quilts since sometimes it’s a teeny, weeny bit stressful. (Insert an emoji winking with a halo here).

Linking up with: My Quilt Infatuation/NTT


  1. I'm glad to know you got through all those important appointments this month, and especially your golden anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you and your Master Quilt Holder! Spectacle Squar-tangle is a beauty, Rose. I love the pops of red in between those pretty prints. Your MMMgical Stars is a lot of fun, too! I'm just getting started on my version.

  2. You've been busy! Those appointments are such a drag on time that could be spent in the sewing room, but it has to be done. But the anniversary time was well spent, right? Happy golden anniversary to you two kids. We had ours in 2019. :D
    I really like that Easy Bricks pattern! Who would ever think that a few red squares and layer cakes cut in half would result in such a gorgeous quilt - LOVE it! Lol on "sewopted", I can always count on you to coin new words. And you have invented a new quilt holder duty - holding up the branch. :D

  3. This is a fabulous finish, Rose, in spite of all your other comings and goings. Hope all results are good, and you have a clean bill of health. Hooray for our master quilt holders, who do put up with so much!

  4. I like your new word, Rose--sewopted!!! And what a neat, simple design for 10" squares! I have a million of them, so I'll have to try it! Your fun fabrics make a fun quilt, and backing, I might add! Congrats to you and Master Quilt Holder!!!!

  5. I had a month like that recently, also, Rose--all those appointments sure get in the way of quilting!!! Love that Easy Bricks pattern and your version especially! And what a cool back--hexies!!! 😉


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