Myra from Busy Hands Quilts hosted a QAL back in October for quilts to be made with black and white fabrics with a splash of color. Those who joined in this fun QAL had the choice of deciding which pattern they wanted to use and the only requirement to be eligible to win prizes was that the finished quilt top needed to be at least 40" square.
When I joined the QAL, I commented I was looking forward to doing a relaxing project which as I found out several times this year that sometimes quilts don't turn out the way I say it will. This quilt was more of a challenge; I think I may have somewhat mentioned this already. I was all for making a quilt since I have a huge stash of black and white fabrics and thought I would use my Crayola solid fabrics for the splash of color. One of the quilt patterns I considered was doing a hexagon pattern but instead decided to make a tessellating pinwheel pattern using my Sizzix die which I have never used. Before I started die-cutting, I changed my fabric choice for the color prints and switched to Crazy Mom's Good Neighbor fabrics since I thought it would make the quilt brighter with the black and white prints.
I spent an evening watching TV and die-cutting the pieces-enough to make over 200 4.5" blocks. Then, I realized, after going to bed, I made a huge faux pas which I could have avoided had I remember prior to starting the die cutting. Unlike the half-square triangle which is an equally divided square cut at a 45 degree angle (I'm taking my hubby's word on this since I've never taken a Geometry class), any other half triangle, like the half rectangle, has a definite right and left side, meaning the point at the bottom faces either right or left. There may be a mathematical term for this but I don't know what it is. If you want all of your half rectangles to point the same direction and you use a die cutter like I do, the fabric must all face up or face down depending upon what side you want to point to, you cannot fan fold the fabric over the die because you will get both right and left side blocks.
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Righty Quilt on the left and Lefty Quilt on the right |
Again, I was stuck with two different blocks, one tessellating right and one tessellating left, which meant making two quilts again and they would each be 40" square. I really didn't like the pinwheels and decided, even though it involved taking apart the blocks I already sewn together and repressing the seams several times and playing with layouts, I decided to make elongated hexagon blocks with the patches.
Once again, this would involve making two separate quilts because there are two different types of blocks, one with the black patch on the top left and the other with the black patch on the top right. Sewing them in one quilt didn't look right to me because I made another faux pas by using the same low volume print for the color patches. As you can see the light patches do not alternate when the two types of blocks are next to each other. I really wished that I would have used different prints for the color patches but didn't have enough white low volume prints in my stash. Looking back at this now, I could have opted for making separate black and white blocks and color prints blocks but my thinking then would have meant die cutting more color print blocks but chose not to because I was at the point of just wanting to get this quilt done.
I came up with a layout which could use the two different type blocks together in horizontal row by sewing two rows of the same type blocks together and then separating the double rows with a 2-1/2" sashing made with two different black prints so the same low volume print next to each other wouldn't be so noticeable. This quilt top measured 56" x 70" and I thought my top was done until I happened to noticed after sewing the rows together that I really liked the way the quilt top look when the blocks were vertical.
The next decision to be made was how to back and quilt it and it took me several days to come up with a plan. I finally decided to back it with an Ikea print which has the right colors but I was hesitant to use because it was decorator weight. After I prewashed it and some of the sizing/stiffness was removed, I was happy with the way it felt. It really was perfect for the quilt which is going to be another playmat for the very quilt-spoiled granddaughter. It's going to reside in the Grandparent's pad at her house and it's going to look quite nice on the black and white tile floor.
I was really indecisive about whether I wanted to quilt it with straight lines or curvy lines and I'm glad I chose to once again do curvy lines with pale yellow thread. It sort of helped that my Primitiva quilt with the curvy lines was laying on my dining room table during the Fall holidays and each time I pass it I would admire the quilting which sealed my decision. (you can see the Primitiva Quilt here. I normally quilt with an 80/12 Quilting Needle but used a Microtex Sharp needle for this quilt because of the decorator weight backing and the quilting turned out so nice. The black binding was sewn down by machine with black thread which was another challenge when you decide to do this at one o'clock in the morning but it turned out really nice. I've been reading my Christa Watson's books, Machine Quilting with Style and Piece and Quilt with Precuts and she uses Sharp needles for machine quilting which I may now have to stock up on these needles. The Sharp needles gave the binding a nice topstitch look. BTW, Christa is starting Squiggles QAL, (you can read about it here) and I'll be participating. I really love her style of machine quilting and she has inspired me to try out some of her techniques in 2018.
Hope everyone is staying warm if cold weather is visiting you and enjoying the holiday week. It's been a busy week of posting for me ( you can read my Best of 2017 post (here) and my Quilty Confessions (here) and I have just one left to write; my year-end and New Year post which has been brewing in my head now for the past few weeks. It'll be nice to finally download it from my brain; it's getting crowded up there.